Let’s get you started with some basics! Synchronous and asynchronous learning, MOOC, OER, blended learning. And the different roles of the instructor in an online setting.
Face to face vs online teaching
Differences to keep in mind between online and offline teaching: personal interaction, the cinema effect, time management, web etiquette
Strategies for your online methodology
Concrete approaches for your teaching praxis: from peer assessment to fostering leadership in the classroom
Online presence
What is online presence? How can I improve mine? Persona, social presence, instructional presence
Strategies for active participation online
How do we foster active engagement in the online classroom? Setting ground rules for communication. Be perceptive!
We all judge
What kind of bias do I have and how might that affect my teaching?
The gender question
What role does gender play in an intercultural classroom? Reflect on your assumptions and practice change
Creating your learning environment
Let’s get the best out of technology by normalizing technical difficulties and understanding how the tools we use impact our message as well